
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wouldn't you like to be a trekker too?

Ha! I went the whole entire post with my mouth completely shut!


val of the south said...

Simply amazing!

Amanda said...


val of the south said...

The fact that I was first, that you went (practically) the whole post with your mouth shut, but mostly the photos. Just clarifying my first comment :)

The Damsel In Dis Dress said...

Your photos are beautiful! I'm touched.

robin said...

I totally related to the third picture... the girl who wasn't smiling who was probably thinking... when they said trek I thought it was Star Trek. What the what! My blisters have blisters!

The Songer said...

Your YW look like Super models! really!

Love your Pioneer Woman outfit!

Hey it was pretty much a true wordless Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Yup. I love trek. I agree with robin.

Barbaloot said...

I'll admit-your pictures look fun. But I'm still glad I've never been on trek. Just sayin.

Braden Bell said...

I think my great-great-great grandmother had some sunglasses just like yours when she crossed the plains!

Actually, I am glad you shared this. I hate outdoors stuff. Hate it, hate it, hate it. So of course, in my new calling--I'm over all stake youth activities--camps, treks, etc. I'm trying to have a good attitude and seeing these pictures was very moving to me.

Jamie said...

Beautiful pictures!!! I love our youth!

cfoxes33 said...

I almost couldn't stand it. Until the end. Those were cool pictures! I wanna be a trekkie. Really I do!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Wow! I love the photos. I was able to get a real feel for your experience out there trekkin'!

Who knew there were big red coolers back in the 1850s!

Unknown said...

Great pictures of something that looks so hideous, so horrid, I weep in behalf of my ancestors every 24th of July. I'm with Braden; there's a reason I was born in 1964 instead of 1834.

Martha said...

Z is the cutest one in all the pics. Tell him not to forget Rachel when he's all famous.

Looks like you had quite the experience. Are you recovered yet?

You also make me glad that in your Thrusday post that only Adam has a cell phone of our kids. And now, we don't have cable. It's so nice to not have the tv on all the time. Some evenings we all watch a show off of Hulu or somewhere, but no more dumb cartoons.

Hey Rachel made the JV volleyball team. She is a middle blocker. That the tall one in the middle. She also went to the chiropractor yesterday and her neck is a little too straight and not alligned good. So she has to go for like 30 visits to get it fixed. Luckily it's just in Kahuku.

Jim and Nan have been going to the townhouses to play. I'm glad they are still playing with their old friends.