
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Serenity, NOW!

Remember when I used to be the Relief Society president? And we'd all go do our visiting teaching together?

And remember when we'd have slumber parties and toilet paper the Old Boat Guy's blog? And then we'd stay up all night interpreting messages from the universe?

And remember when we had the Truth or Dare retreat and we helped each other carry our buckets?

(I miss those dayz.)

Well one of our friends needs help carrying her bucket right now. April's sister Robin, at Serenity Now, is going through the same thing that Pat (Nutty Hamster Chick) went through several years ago, and Tiffany went through last year--her foster daughter is being returned to her birth parents.


I know!!!!

But we have to try!

So can you all please go kick off your shoes and put on your aprons and whip up some comfort food--something really cheesy and gooey and creamy--and then we'll meet in Robin's comment box for a group hug.

I'll bring the Jamba Juice. And you guys bring the tissue, because this post will make your eyes sweat.

LY Robin!

Would it be too oxymoronic to wish for you serenity, NOW!


OldBoatGuy said...

I'm so sorry. Life is sometimes really hard. We all have to fight our windmills sometime. You girls will help her pull though.

Sandi said...

I just hate it when buckets need carrying, because that means someone very sweet and nice is going through a horrible struggle. I hope her family is doing okay.

val of the south said...

You really are the best! I've missed you...

robin said...

Love you Crash! Thanks for all the support! I'll pass on all the hugs to my hubby who needs lots of them.

April said...

Thanks Crash! Buckets are lighter when others help carry them! I missed this post cause I've been in my own little world....

April said...

And for the sister is awesome! LY Robin!