
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Sweatin'

Aloha peeps!

It's Sunday, so let's all sweat a little. Together. Around the eyeball area. That's what Sunday's are for after, all.

Wait. I did that wrong. I meant, afterall.

That's more like it.

Okay, check out the latest contribution to the 2nd magic quilt. It's called Super Grover and Might Man Adam.

Bring some tissue. Best photo ever.

I'm off at the Magic Cabin celebrating Labor day, which is literally the day I went into labor and gave birth to my twins twelve years ago.




Heidi said...

I would so love to stay in a magic cabin, even if I didn't get twins out of it.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Have fun at the cabin. And yes, my Sundays are usually full of eyeball sweating. I am a big baby.

OldBoatGuy said...

Hi Crash, I've been catcning up. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

Tiffany said...

Crash please come by my blog for family prayer. we need prayers!!

April said...

Fast Sunday always makes my eyeballs sweat. Especially this past one, since my baby is in the MTC, and my sister needs special prayers.....and I have missed my blog friends so. =.)

TisforTonya said...

just finished some sweaty eyeball post over at Momza's - better grab a box of tissues because my Sunday sweats have turned into Tuesday tears.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You labored on Labor Day. Wow, you really do have the Universe in the palm of your hand!

Headed to check out the site.

Donna Tagliaferri said...

Hey Crash come by my blog and tell me what you think....
I have enjoyed following your days....