
Monday, December 6, 2010

I Won't Cheat! (So let the voting begin!)

Like I said . . .

So let the voting begin!

(Is there an echo in here? here? here? here?)

Two contests. Three Prizes.

CONTEST #1: The DEB-e for SAM-e video contest.

*Two first place prizes of $100 cash will be awarded to the two videos with the highest number of votes.


Cash prizes were donated by two generous sponsors, one is a friend who wants to remain nameless so I will refer to her as Lobstah Head (gee, I wonder where she pahks her cah? Could it be near Hahvahd yahd?) The other is a friend, Marty Haws, who runs a foundation called IWC, short for I Won't Cheat. A very appropriate sponsor for a voting contest, huh? Marty is throwing in free I Won't Cheat t-shirts and patches for the winners.

Now everyone raise your right hand to the square and swear on a stack of Holy Shakespeare Readers that you won't figure out ways to cheat yourself silly. And if you do figure out ways, you will show restraint, discipline and self control, and you WON'T cheat, even though you know that cheaters sometimes propser, but oh wells, there's more to life than prosperity.

I can't think of anything right now, but I've been told there's more.


1. Voting will continue until Friday, Dec 10th @ 10 p.m. Winner will be announced Saturday. (Unless I'm in a coma by then.)

2. You can jump into the race at any time between today and Friday, but voting will begin promptly on Monday morning . . . some time Monday morning anyway . . . whenever I feel promptly.

3. Tell your friends to come vote. But tell them they have to vote for me first, okay. Age before beauty, that's what I always say. (Especially when my MIL is around.)

Here's my link, you might as well click it and vote while you're thinking about it. Go ahead:

And the video nominess are:

1. Stephen's Video

2. Alexis' Video

3. Jim and Nan's Video

4. Martha's Video

5. Rachel's Video

6. Lizzie's Video

Ready, vote!

The voting booth is on my side bar. Over there to your left. No, your other left.

CONTEST #2: Alls you gotta do is leave a comment in my comment box telling me (and whoever else may be reading along, including the SAM-e judges, if they so desire) why you think I would make a great Good Mood Blogger.

I'm going to have my mom and my MIL help me choose the winning comment.

The prize is $30 cash from The Minnestoa Treatment Center. Yes, it's a Drug Rehab Center. I chose them because my name is Deb and I approve Drug Rehab Centers. Mostly because drugs is one of the D words I rage against.



But do VOTE!

Vote for Me
Good Mood Gig from SAM-e


val of the south said...

You're kinda bossy today :)

Cluttered Brain said...

*sigh* Geez. This entry is a comment too?
Heck Everyone should vote for Debbie because you rock cause when you get that 30,000 you are gonna split it with me right? lol.
Your not?
well then...think about it will ya?
I'm off to vote for you. cause you would make a good mood blogger. You crack me up Debbie.

Consider this an entry for something. I might be a tad confused. I don't need a drug rehab facility. I'm not addicted to drugs...just your blog.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

There's something about Cluttered Brain and her sideways cap that makes me laugh!

I am doing my darndest to push that VOTE button every. single. day! I promise.

I also enlisted my blog to advertize in your behalf as well.

SAM-e people! Now hear this!!!!
Crash is the best there is. She would not let you down.
She is the best.
Just trust me!
Or I'll let the sherrif arrest ya! (go see my post where there are two officer holding a sign for the Dummy.........and they are wearing guns...for reals)
We're serious about the Dummy in Idaho!

Martha said...

Ok, so maybe we should've only made one video, because now all our votes are going to be divided up between Jim/Nan, me and Rachel. Well we are awake now in Hawaii so watch out!!

Braden Bell said...

Esteemed SAM-e Judges:

Please accept this comment as my heartfelt and considered endorsement of Debbie to be the SAM-e Good Mood Blogger.

Debbie should be the Good Mood Blogger because she is always in a Good Mood (at least on her blog which makes it perfect!). More than that, and I am now being completely serious, Debbie makes other people get in a good mood.

Debbie is very funny, like make-me-laugh-out-loud funny. But she's a supportive and warm friend behind the humor. She cares deeply about people and has cultivated a wide group of friends from every walk of life and region of the country.

Debbie is a good mood incarnate, and her good moods are highly contagious.

I assure you that you will be glad you chose her.

Braden Bell

P.S. I'm not trying to register for a contest, I just wanted to say this to the judges.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I just wanted to say... I've read... I went and voted for you.

aNd I'm too indecisive to play favorites!!!

Word Verifier: fibity!!! hahahaha

I'm not fibbing I promise I've been voting for ya girlfriend!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Shelle Belle, HUGS! And Mahalo!

Braden, wiping sweat off the eyeball area with my wristband right now. Good thing I wear it at all times nowadays. Thank you for your kind words and support. HUGS to you and yours. I know they've been supporting me too.

Garden, OH MY GOODNESS! I went and saw. Again, my wristband came in handy. YOU ROCK SO DANG HARD. I am going to link to that post. And I HAVE to post those funny photos. LY, girlfriend.

Martha, LUB you competitive spirit. I've learned mine from you. And I LUB all three videos. I wish I could give you each $100. If I win, I will. Mark my words.

Clutterd Brain, LUB you and your sideways cap. You have been so supportive and I'll never forget it.

Val, you too, even though I'm bossy today, it's peeps like you who kept me going through this dagnam race.

Verifier says derse. I'm not terse, I'm derse. That's how dummies roll.

Dolly said...

I left my comment/entry on yesterday's post....

How appropriate that I should be able to win $30 from a Minnesota Drug Rehab place. I could be inspired to rehab before I even hab.

(I've been considering how I might use drugs or not and if Sam E is for me or not. So far I've been able to stay in a good mood by just reading your blog and listening to your playlist.)

Okay so this is also an entry. : )

Thanks for spreading your aloha! You do it so well.

Martha said...

Hey we put a lot of work into those videos. I told Jim and Nan we are only going to vote on their video and tell our friends to only vote on their video too. Then I emailed all the people in the video and told them to vote on it too.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh, that's a good idea, Martha. Instead of dividing and conquering, just conquering and conquering.

Dolly, saw your comment on occipital post. You CRACK. ME. UP.

Emily said...

I'm voting for Martha's video because I saw Swirl in it about 5:15. I thought there'd be a lot more of the Blum boys running around in the background but all those skinny white boys in aloha shorts kind of look the same so I'll pretend they are all Hunter

Dear Judges:
Please elect Crash to be the SamE Good Mood Blogger so I can stop having to go to your site and vote every day. I'd rather go to your site to read her post every day. That would improve my good mood. Plus she is good friends with Jack Johnson so he will probably do the soundtrack when you make SamE Good Mood the Movie.

thank you

Anjeny said...

Deb, I was planning on making a video for you and have my son Chris rap for you since that is his latest interest but seems like I can't seem to get myself organized enough to get it done. So I just made up a (what you would call a poor attempt) at lyrics and just post it on my blog. Today's post is dedicated to you, you can read it if you want. I may still bribe my kids to put together a video for you, I actually have this great rap song I thought would be totally cool to make for you.

Now for your judges:
You want to laugh, Think DEBBIE
You want to have sweaty eyeballs, think Debbie.
You want the universe to be on your side, think Debbie.
You want Shakespearean sonnet made in your honor, think Debbie.
You want ride in a yellow submarine bus across America, think DEBBIE!!
But mostly if you don't want your eyes to be POKED, THINK DEBBIE!! LOL

On a serious note, Debbie should get the Good mood job because she knows her stuff. No one can spin a tale like Debbie...she can deliver a sad sob story in a way that by the time you're done reading her, you actually feel good. No one can make you laugh like Debbie can.

So there ya go Crash!!

Lisa said...

I think you should win because my friend AnJeny at Rambling of an Islander said so. I respect her opinion, you know...Good luck!

TisforTonya said...

Debbie (and those Sam-E judges too)

I honestly think this is YOUR (Debbie's, not the judges') perfect gig. CTD is always the first blog link I click to check - because it's a pick me up moment that starts my day right.

setbacks in life? Debbie finds a way to learn a lesson from them, and shares that lesson in a touching manner.

huge life changes? Debbie takes them in stride, looks for the positive - and jumps in with both feet.

and somehow - despite her enduring wisdom which from anyone else would make me feel like my IQ were in the single digits, her readers leave each day feeling uplifted and wiser themselves...

Thank you Deb for being funny, for being thoughtful, and for being you - because you rock!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh gosh, T, that was really gooooooood. MAHALO, girlfriend.

Anjeny, I LUBBED your rap. ha ha ha I so wish I could have seen one of your kids singing that. I'm headed over to your blog right now to join the pArTaY! LY. And btw, my heart skipped a little beat when I saw you on Jim and Nan's video. Same skip when I saw Swirl. Anjeny, thanks for sending that 2fast car over here. You know how I lub 2 fast cars. ;) I hope she doesn't get me in trouble with the law though. I can't afford another ticket.

Emily, I LOL'd OL at the idea of a SAM-e Good Mood Movie with Jack Johnson doing the soundtrack. ha ha ha ha ha I think the judges will like that idea. ;)

Verifier says gidio.

You guys are making me feel a little gidio.

Sandi said...

Well good heck- if I didn't think you would make the bomb diggiest good mood blogger,why on earth would I put up with your incessant nagging on facebook, your blog, email, phone, snail mail, billboards, texts, infomercials, talk radio vote for you every stinking day????? hahaha You would most definitely be the BEST good mood blogger because even if YOU aren't in a good mood, you somehow make ME laugh. A LOT. If further proof is needed, you must be a good spokesperson for their product because I ACTUALLY BOUGHT SOME! Thats all.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

hee hee Sandi. I can't tell you how many of my friends have said they bought some. SAM-e is brilliant. So, do tell. Is it awesome? Would it, combined with a dummy diary give you a rush?

I'd love to see your infomercial, btw. ha ha ha You ROCK!

Shelby Brimley said...

Yay Debbie! I hope you get the job :) I was going to make a video and I got way excited but I just ran out of time! I am sorry.

Aunt Debbie would make the BEST Good Mood blogger. I have been reading her stuff for a while and love it-it's definitely entertaining. She's the happiest Aunt I have for sure- and the smartest. I love how she used to be an English teacher and we can have great disscussions about books together. Staying in Hawaii with her for three weeks was a blast and she has a happy home. How could she not when she was a cheerleader in high school? ;) Love ya Aunt Debbie!
-Shelby Frampton

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Shelby, I didn't know you were reading me. How funny. Ha ha about the cheerleader thing. Shhhhh trying to keep that on the down low. ha ha

Thanks Shelby. That was a sweet tribute. I lUB your blog too. I need to put it on my sidebar so you can get some exposure.

I was so looking forward to your video, but I understand about time.

Emily said...

If I could see the world thorugh Debbie's clever, creative eyes every day, my life would be better. Enough said.

Anjeny said...

LOL@2fast car...You mean 2busy, right? Isn't she just the sweetest thing? She came to vote for you just because I said she should. And she respect my opinion...that is the best and sweetest thing anyone's said about me.

We are all rooting for you!! If they don't pick you, they will seriously get their houses tp'd...LOL. You know we rock dwellers say what we mean and mean what we say, yay? ahahah. Lub ya girl..

wendy said...

I would love nothing more then to see you WIN this contest.
then the pressure would be OFF all of us. (tee, hee, ha ha haha)
I have been voting my little (or not so little) arse off
cowgirl promise.

the videos are great.
I have one in my head...just don't know how to get it from my head to the computer.
I have lots of things in my head....that never get quite where they needed to go.
happy trails my friend

and I TOTALLY think you should win cause you didn't even know me, and yet you took time out to come see me at my sons funeral.
Hellllooooo......does that spell compasion and love and caring or what you stupid bunch of idiot Sam E judges.
there....said it.

My25Cents said...


I want you to win soooo badly that I've been researching how to write code to give you bajillion and one votes for this Sam-E thingy-mabob.
But then you had to go and get all righteous on me and I've been foiled again (by those pesky kids).

For once, just once, in real-life I want the 'good guy' to win. Is that so bad? And don't even THINK about muttering some hi-falutin' philosophical mumbo-jumbo about taking the higher road, either! I want the higher road to be about a HIGHER number in your bank account!

Sorry I thought about cheating for you..... sorta.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Not sure how I feel about the toilet shower think. I am thinking antibiotics,,,just sayin

Karen Mello Burton said...

Deb has been THEE Good Mood Blogger for years now, and she is meant to do this.

Plus, she is cute and happy and smart. And I like her. :)

LBBlum said...

I totally vote for Martha's video-- just because... everything is better when we are all together..
{heart} martha!

(Although- I think the bathroom one should get second place... that was a little too real - if you know what I mean... and I Know YOU DO!)

Just joshin...
Man Debbie- You just have to win! Why? Because more than a year ago we wrapped a red string around that dream and sent it off in the blog-sphere {universe}... and it just has to come true!

But if you are a fer-real judge... and don't get the red string..
Debbie is he-larious... and peeps come to visit because we all want to wear crash-test-dummie-rose colored glasses... or just crash/test/helmets.. if it meant we could be as funny and optimistic and hopeful and full of joy as Debbie is!
She just gotsta win!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Awww, Swirl, we did didn't we. And now we're both ALMOST living our dream. ;) I got your Christmas card and the photo is so awesome.

Kazzy, MAHALO. I like you too.

Garden, ha ha You are such a nurse. Okay, I was gonna post those cop photos last night but I fell off to sleep by 10:00. I was too pooped to pop. I'll post them today.

My 25 cents. hahahahahhahah That made me LOL. OL. You're so cute. Thanks for the thought. The road to helk is paved with good intentions anyway.

hee hee

Tracie Nall said...

I voted for Alexis. That Cluttered Brain of hers cracks me up!