
Monday, October 11, 2010

Until We Meet Again . . .

This post goes out, along with my heart, to my favorite Bishop and next door neighbor of 10 years in Hawaii, Ernie Reid.

I am sitting here in stunned silence, with tears sliding down my cheeks, after receiving word that he passed away last night. I don't even know the hows or whys. Alls I know is that I lubbed him so much.

He helped me through a really tough time in my life. And then I had the honor of serving under him as Relief Society President. He taught me much about serving with mercy and grace and compassion as I watched him constantly govern with the spirit of the law.

Oh, Bishop, MUCH MAHALO to you and Ena for everything. We will all miss you something fierce.

Aloha Oe . . . and safe passage . . .

Until we meet again.


A moment of silence and a group hug for all my Hawaii peeps!


Just SO said...

Oh Crash. I'm so sorry. Prayers and hugs to you and your Hawaiian friends.

Susan said...

I too, am so sorry to hear this. I wonder if our Bishop's know how they change our lives and help us to know the Savior through their love. It sounds like he was a wonderful man.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

So sorry my friend!

Barbaloot said...

Sorry to hear that, Crash. I hope you and all of his loved ones can be comforted.

val of the south said...

I'm so sorry :(

I'm sure you touched his life as much as he touched yours.

Hugs to you and all your Hawaii peeps too. (((((((((<3))))))))))

val of the south said...

That was supposed to be a heart surrounded by hugs...lost something in the translation.

TisforTonya said...

thinking of you... and your ward family -

The Songer said...

I cant believe it and Im in shock..... and so sad. He was actually the last Hawaii peep that i saw when leaving Hawaii. He was dropping off his brother who was taking the same flight and i was sitting by the curb drinking Jamba Juice and tearing up, thinking about leaving and he came up and hugged me, told me to suck it up, and that I'd be fine and Cold water will be the last thing that i will be worried about when i got here!

He was truly the best bishop ever!

Karen Mello Burton said...

So sorry, Crash. That is rough.

Annette Lyon said...

Oh, man. I bet he's seeing this and smiling. Lot o' lubs to you.

CB said...

Sorry to you. It is hard when someone who has so much impact in your life is gone.
I like the picture at the end - it's nice to picture him that way!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Beautiful tribute Debby.
They look like a beautiful....ETERNAL...couple.

Hugs to them.
Hugs to you.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Aw, thank you all for your warm thoughts and wishes.

Iwa, that is so crazy. How cool that you have that last memory. I just wish I could hug you right now since we both know Bishop and Ena so well. I still can't believe it.