
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Blizzards and Basketball

Well, we weathered the worst blizzard in Utah history.

I've never lived through a blizzard without any snow before, and believe you me, it was rough. Mostly because of what it did to my geraniums.

That darn blizzard murdered them.

But look, look, look! One little flower is a die hard.

It's like double dog daring that blizzard to BRING. IT. ON.

Look how it's hanging on for dear life.

It's almost inspiring, ain't it?

Speaking of inspiring . . . my son played his first high school basketball game today. And his second and third--Sophpmore, JV, and Vars, baby!

You just don't understand, he eats, drinks, guzzles, snarfs, and inhales basketball so this was the culminating moment of months of hard-core, nitty gritty, down and dirty practice. (Not to mention months of me chauffeuring him to that hard-core, nitty gritty, down and dirty practice.)

Last week the coach called after workout and told us our boy had been inspiring during practice.

I told him he had the wrong number.

But after watching him play today I kinda get it.

I think he might be a mutant.

You know what's cool though? He's wearing my lucky #13.

That's got to be a sign, dontcha think? Of what, I know not, but a sign of something or other.

You know what else would be a cool sign of something or other? If I ended this phase II voting with exactly 13,000 votes. Then I would KNOW fer sure that I was born under a lucky star.

Do you think I can do it?

I'm at 2,200 now with 16 days left to vote. That means I have 10,800 votes to pick up. Divided by 16 . . . will somebody do the math?

Anyone? Anyone?

That's less than 700 votes a day, right?

My inspiring son just laughed out loud and said, "That's impossible."

See why I told his coach he had the wrong number?

Let's look to it, peeps.

Vote for Me
Good Mood Gig from SAM-e

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! You are all on my gratitude list.



Karen Mello Burton said...

I voted for you. Because you are awesome.

And I think your home is lovely.

Leslie said...


Tina said...

I have 2 sons who have lived & breathed basketball for 23 years. This spring, the 2nd one graduated. :0(
I'm so glad I found another bball mom! Good luck & have fun!
P.S. I voted for you too!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Tina @ The Country Heart

Kristina P. said...

I am thinking about making t-shirts that say, "I Survived the Blizzard of 2010."

Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!

val of the south said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Did I totally confuse you with the text? So sorry!

We had about 2 or 3 hours of white out, and got about 8-10 inches of snow - but I think the East would laugh our Blizzard warning out of town!

Martha said...

Every time I vote for you it always tells me I'm only allowed one vote which means somebody beat me to it on the family computer. I think it's Nan. So can Z play on multiple teams? I don't quite understand and you need to clear it up for me please.

Hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving. We just did it all by ourselves and it was alright. A little motorbiking, then eating, then the beach and more eating.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Martha, yes, same school, different teams. Sophomore, JV and Vars. They let you play all three teams as a freshman. If you make it. He was high scorer of the JV game and played 1 min 30 seconds of the varsity. hee hee It was heelarious watching him go in. He was so dang nervous that when he pulled his sweats off (the snap kind) he almost pulled his shorts off. (hee hee)

Val, ha ha NO, I felt so special. I need to put your name in my contact list. Don't feel bad. I don't even have my siblings names plugged in so when they text me I know not who it is either. Toldya I was a dummy.

Kristina, ha ha ha ha

Lori, HAPPY Thanksgiving backatya mi amigo.

Tina, so nice to meet you and have the basketball thing in common. And thanks for voting! Woohoo!

Martha, tell Nan MAHALO!

Hi Kazzy and Leslie. LY both of you.