
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dirty Rotten Things That Make Me Smile

I've been thinking.

Why wait to get the Good Mood blogger gig to start blogging about things that make me happy? Afterall, there's no time like the present to put off till tomorrow what I can do today.

After I finished the video and the essay for the contest I was all strung out. BIG TIME! All that energy and focus in one direction . . . a direction in which all fingers pointed at ME ME ME ME ME ME ME.

It was weird.

But the next morning I started finding joy in the craziest things. Like laundry. It gave me a little thrill to do laundry. And vacuuming gave me a rush.

The leaky roof . . . the broken front door handle . . . the burnt out light bulbs . . . all of it seemed so irrelevant. I felt like Jimmy Stewart at the end of It's a Wonderful Life.

KIDS! I have KIDS! Dirty Rotten KIDS! And I have a house. A dirty rotten house! And a dirty rotten hub!

I feel like the luckiest dirty rotten dummy in the world.

So many other dirty rotten things have been making me happy too. Like Costco chicken roaster soup. YUM-O.

And friends. Friends from my new hood who bring me Costco chicken roaster soup. And little fruit tarts from Kneaders.

And who alert the media about my Good Mood Blog contest and who may or may not have landed me an interview with The Daily Herald. (My lips are sealed, but EEEEEEEEE!)

And friends from my blog hood who pick me up to go to the viewing of dear Wendy's son. And to take me to Leatherby's to eat huge amounts of French fries and Frappes.

And friends from my old hood who take me to Manti to eat Chicken Curry and broccoli cheese soup. And who send me dozens of Laie t-shirts. And who take me out to a spa for a massage after seeing me yawn myself silly while trying to be a gangsta rapper .

And who shower me with words of affirmation.

Not to mention votes of affirmation.

And who write books about Lego people.

Don Carey is one of the boyz in my old hood. (My Laie hood.) He's a brat from the pack. And I know stuff about him that would make you want to give him a hug. (A sweaty hug.) (Sweaty eyeball hug, that is.)

He's got a book coming out in January called Bumpy Landings. My mom read it and said she thought about it for days afterward. It's a good sign when a book stays with you, ya know.

I am reading it too and I will post my review shortly.

You can watch his cutie patootie trailer here:

Bumping Landings Trailer

Or you can just watch it right here. It's adorable to watch little Legos promote a book.

But if you click on that link you can enter a contest which will very likely land you some chocolate covered mac nuts. (I hope they're Caramacs.) (That's alls I'm sayin'.)

And BTW, don't forget to vote!

Vote for Me
Good Mood Gig from SAM-e

P.S. One more dirty rotten thing that makes me smile . . . emails from The Mormon Times saying they ran a goofy Mormon Culture story I submitted.

P.P.S. OMGOSH, I almost forgot one more thing. I tweeted. My very first tweet. I don't know how to make that little button to get you all to follow me on Twitter, but my address is @thedummydiaries.

Come follow me, k.


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Is it possible that I am the first poster on the famous dirty rotten dummy post today?
Well it is only that the wind is blowing a gazillion MPH here in Utah and I am sleepless in Utah. I need to get back to Idaho where it's quieter and the roads aren't so crowded.

I'm glad you lub doing probably need to work harder at making me smile about the truthfulness of that dirty rotten chore.

I wish I would have known you were going to be giving Wendy lubs, I would have waited around to sneak a peek
at the famous dirty rotten dummy and tried to get an autograph.

I sure hope you win this thing cuz it has been a ton of work for me....ya know pushing the "vote" button and all.

The Songer said...

WooHoo for who ever told the media! Seriously happy for you :)

Love the Lego trailer... it was fun to watch.. and i totally knew who was singing in the background :)

I love a good book.. especially when its local!

watched your vid again... Love all the pics of the family in the backgrounds!

PS.. The vacuum is in my top 5 favorite most useful inventions! I think its very calming to vacuum, mostly because the sound drowns out everything around you!

Don said...

Thanks for allowing me to be one of the Dirty Rotten Things that Makes You Smile, and for the kind words on the video. It was a blast to make, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

Your video is very nicely done. It really captures why I think what makes you a good blogger!

And big Wooo! on The Daily Herald interview. That is very cool. You're goin' places, to be sure!

TisforTonya said...

I need to lub laundry and vacuuming - sometime between now and the arrival of family for Thanksgiving :)

I might have to throw that book into my "to be read and reviewed" stack... you don't think anyone will notice that it's getting higher by the minute do you?

okay - my to-do list for the day
1- vote (done and done)
4-well, all that other stuff, and lub it too :)

Leslie said... rock and I miss Laie too!!! Hooray for however leak it out to the media...they sure love you!!! I love the video promoting the cute!!!!

Martha said...

You know what I love...machines. I love listening to the dishwasher, the dryer, and the bread machine all at the same time doing all my work for me.

I might actually have to read Don's book since I know him and know some of the story already. I'm glad he's recovered from his bumpiness.

Sandi said...

I don't know how to do that tweet thing....who is teaching you all this stuff?

Unknown said...

I miss you! I feel like our separate projects have spun us off of one another's paths! We can't let that happen. Thank you for your kind words over at my blog regarding Matthew Blanchard. That poor little kid and his poor family - they are so grateful for every bit of encouragement they get. I had a bit of time this afternoon to hang out with my dirty rotten kids, too, and it was really nice! How is it that SAHMs wind up so busy?? Love you!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am glad you are my dirty rotten friend. Those days where I find joy in little household things are always good days.