My x-door neighbor, Martha mentioned this guy on the back row:
We almost look like a cute couple, don't we? Our arms so close, yet so far apart.
Especially compared to these arms:
If my mom said it once, she said it a thousand times, "Doesn't Susan just have the cutest little figure?"
Words like daggers to a girl whose figure went a little somethin' somethin' like this:
Is it bad that I felt a vague sense of redemption yesterday when one of my readers (The Mom) mistakenly identified Susan as in-the-running for my Crash crush? (hee hee hee) Serves her right for wearing Dittos on picture day.
While Susan's Dittos fit better and better with each passing year, Keith's hair got better and better too.
Until 5th grade . . . when a new bad boy moved to town.
I'll give you a hint--peach silk shirt.
Oh my goodness! What was I thinking? He was just using me all along to cheat off my spelling tests.
Too bad my hub and I didn't cross paths until high school. I know for a fact I would have been Crash crushing on him BIG TIME in third grade.
By 5th grade he was definitely my particular brand of good boy/bad-boy.
I just know Kurt Russell has a photo exactly like this somewhere in his 5th grade photo album!
Okay, memory lane is closed. Tomorrow will be April, so let's talk about books-on-tape.
Pink silk shirt, Crash? Really? That should've been your hint right there that he wasn't gonna be good for much. If I were you I'd have gone for the little red head in the front row.
PS-totally saw your mother-in-law yesterday at a bridal shower.
Oh Barb, that's right, you like red heads. ;)
I can't believe you totally saw my MIL at a bridal shower. HA ha HA. Did you feel like you knew her already?
Yes-I am a fan of the red-heads:)
I thought about going up and giving your m-i-l big hug, but my mom beat me to it! I guess someone in my family knows her or vice versa or something. Who knows. Either way-the connections just keep on coming.
I'm with Barb. Peach silk shirt? Really? HAHAHHA
Will I see you at the games this year?
I was gonna guess that tall guy in glasses, so I was way off. But I'm pretty sure I guessed the 3rd grade crush accurately. You two were practically making out in that picture. Seriously, some of us were very uncomfortable.
Tatum looks just like you and Wyatt looks just like Alan.
I was way off. I was thinking it was the guy off in the corner looking off into outer space.
hahahahahah {snort}! oh excuse me! hahahhahhhahahahah..oh my goodness! Crash-- I love your perspective and reflective storytelling ability....
he-larious! heheheh... I can totally see your kids pouring over your photo books with you....
thanks for sharing...
such great pictures... and love all the childhood pics too... it's therapy...
lub ya!
oh- peter pani po po in the mail! Sent you a copy of the DVD! make sure to watch it with some mochi crunch popcorn...
Swirl, YAY! I saw on the Laie bulletin that the DVD's were for sale and I was going to buy one, but now you've sent me one. YAY! I'm so excited to see it. You know my kids so well you can just imagine them pouring over my books and saying rude things about how freaky everyone looks, huh? They think Al has a unibrow in 5th grade and that FREAKS them out too. ha ha ha
LUB YOU TOO! How do feel about Martha moving away?
Garden of EGAN, EWWW!
hee hee That was NOT my favorite kid.
Martha, I totally see Wyatt in that 5th grade shot too. And don't you think his 3rd grade pic looks like a mix between the twins? How was Adam's dance, btw?
Queen, YES, we just bought season tickets. I'll be meeting you and April and Barb and Pat at half time.
Barb it's a small world fo' sure. If only my MIL knew how much you KNOW. ;) Isn't she a cutie patootie!
So I think I should win a prize for guessing it right, don't you? I know I kind of faltered for a minute but in my heart I knew it was him. Oh and Mr. peach silk shirt does indeed like a bad boy with those jeans and that belt and such as. haha
Hey! I totally guessed right!
The guy in the peach silk shirt looks like trouble. You should have known.
I loved Mr. Dowdle, your teacher, he was my 5th grade teacher and I remember we used to pray in class. Did you guys? I thought it was so cool.
Sandi, I'll send you some sheets of dried seaweed. You do deserve it, though I think April deserves it more. ;)
Jillybean, TOUCHE! When I look at him now I think what the what?
Tiffany, I LUBBED Mr. Dowdle too. He was the reason I started speaking out in public. For some reason he really helped me break out. I even kicked Terry Bradly in the shins that year for being the meanest kid in the class.
Wow! Mr Peach silk shirt is giving off some serious attitude. No wonder you liked him so much! But, bless your heart, how could you run around at recess in a long dress? Did you tuck it in your underwear?
hahahah April! Didn't you Canadians have to wear dresses to school? The secret my friend is gym shorts underneath!!
And yes, please donate my prize to April. I am no fan of seaweed. I will enter the next contest when there is a good prize, thanks.
oh and can you tell me how to make chicken long rice? my friend brought me a package for a prize and I don't know what to do with it, but man I love that stuff!
No! It was too cold in the igloos to store dresses silly! And besides, you can't tuck a dress inside your galoshes.
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